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Congratulations Traci! Now Board Certified in Medical Hypnosis

When I moved to Paradise Lakes, I heard rumors about retired hypnotist Dr. John Gullo living in the neighborhood. When I became President of the condo association, our paths crossed at the office, and he complimented me on the job I was doing for the association. A few months later, he sent me a few articles he had written about hypnosis. I invited him over for dinner and learned about his 60-year career as a hypnotist. I gave him a few clips of my Hilarity and Hypnosis sessions for him to review. He liked my work, and it turned out that our approaches and beliefs to hypnosis were very similar.

Even though he retired from hypnosis 10 years ago, Dr. Gullo kept all his recording equipment. I told him about my battles with Hashimoto's, and he recorded a hypnosis session for me. I listened to it with the intent of learning his approach. Instead, I ended up zonked out in my own office. I woke up 37 minutes and 23 seconds later, feeling amazing but not knowing what the f**k just happened! Whatever he did, it was good!

I sent his recording to be transcribed. When I got the transcription back, I saw many of the same concepts and language patterns I knew, with a few powerfully effective twists.

In the last few months, he's given me over 50 recordings, along with the brochures, pamphlets, and articles he's written. I've had many of his recordings transcribed and have begun incorporating his scripts into my sessions with fabulous results.

Last Friday, he presented me with the certificate, with a note: "The Credential Board Certified in Medical Hypnosis is extremely rare. Only deceased Dr. Michael D Preston and myself that I know of have trained Hypnotists in Medical Hypnosis."

It's a big deal to be trusted to carry on someone's hypnosis material. I'm honored to be able to carry on Dr. John Gullo's hypnosis legacy, which ties in beautifully with my personal mission of bringing peace, joy, and happiness to the lives of others.

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